Changing Goals And Priorities

Setting the right goals for your life is one of the many skills students will learn throughout their educational journey. Many of these goals can help us but something that isn't brought up as much is what happens when we feel that the passion for our goal isn't there anymore. Today we want to talk about why it's okay and in some cases worth it to change what these priorities are.

When We Lose Enjoyment

Not every goal is fun all the time and it's unrealistic to expect that. There are many times when we might feel as if we aren't content with what we're doing. It could be a byproduct of certain aspects of the task at hand or it could be the result of our passion waning. Recognizing when it's the latter is essential since it can be a sign that we need to move on and find something new that utilizes our talents. Feeling as though you aren't learning can be another reason why this happens since we may feel that our skill set is stagnating. It's good to have a desire to be a lifelong learner since it can help us stay prepared for the challenges out there in the world while also giving us the confidence needed to succeed.

“Feeling as though you aren't learning can be another reason why this happens since we may feel that our skill set is stagnating.”

Take Time To Reflect

Meditation and reflection can provide a lot of insight into our mental state and it's good to check in with yourself now and then. Being on autopilot is one of the worst things we can do for ourselves since it means that we aren't cognizant of our actions or feelings. This can happen depending on what we're working towards since it could simply be a response to stress or apathy that we're feeling. Reflection allows us to understand and manage these feelings when they arise so that we can better acclimate to things. When starting a new goal it's natural to feel nervous about it since we want to put our best foot forward. Accepting these feelings is good since we don't want to force ourselves to feel a certain way. With that said, if things are negatively contributing to our well-being, reflection can give us the awareness we need to change that.

“Meditation and reflection can provide a lot of insight into our mental state and it's good to check in with yourself now and then.”

When We Feel Something New Would Be Better

A goal we have today might sound like the right thing at that point in time but things can change and that's okay. Sometimes we as a person might not be interested in that goal down the line or our skill set could evolve so that we may want something else that fulfills that better. It is a risk to change up major elements of your life but a bigger risk is living life with regrets and feeling unsatisfied from never having changed things. It's healthy to weigh the pros and cons when changing our priorities along with doing the research needed before committing to something new. With that said, you know yourself best, and sometimes you need a new environment or goal to help bring out the best in you so that you can flourish.




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