Taking Breaks From Technology

Technology brings with it so many unique innovations. It gives us access to social media, online courses, and a means of learning more about the world. With that said, every now and then it's good to take a break from technology since it can help us focus on simplicity. Today we want to talk about 3 reasons why it's so important to take breaks from all the tech we use on a daily basis.

Less Complexity

Even though there are a lot of good things that coincide with technology, sometimes they can make things more complex. Social media is a good example of this since it can easily make us feel like we're missing out on things along with adding another layer to our relationships. Sometimes we need to stop while we're ahead because it can effectively save us a lot of time throughout the day when we're not on our phones. One thing we can do is time ourselves and see how long we're on our phones in a given day. Chances are that it's a lot more than we might expect! Like anything in life, a healthy balance of using technology to simplify our needs is one of the best approaches since it can save us time in the long run.

“Even though there are a lot of good things that coincide with technology, sometimes they can make things more complex.”

We Need to Disconnect

Some days we might feel like our mind is in many places at once. We might feel obligated to answer a text or call someone back out of courtesy. This is effectively a type of distraction that we may face while we're doing something necessary such as studying for a course. Being able to disconnect is crucial since it tells our minds that we need to focus on what we're doing in the moment without being pulled away from it. Disconnecting allows us to relax and not be pulled in several different directions at once. Our brain needs this time to unwind since we can't be mentally present when technology is telling us to break away from what we're doing.

“Being able to disconnect is crucial since it tells our minds that we need to focus on what we're doing in the moment without being pulled away from it.”

We Can Have Fun Without Technology

Entertainment isn't something that is mutually exclusive to technology. It can be found in a multitude of different forms. Yes, we can have fun without technology, and in a lot of ways it’s worth doing as a means of trying something new. Sports and instruments are two fantastic examples of this since they're a testament to how we can have fun without needing too much. Most sports just require a ball and some others to play with whereas with an instrument you can enjoy it on your own. Other things such as writing or painting are simple to pick up and do without needing a lot either. Board games and card games can serve as an alternative to video games to help give a break from the screen. Technology provides us with so many benefits but sometimes it's healthy to take time away from it to enjoy the more simple joys life has to offer.




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