How To Build Patience

Patience is an extremely useful quality to have since it can teach us how to wait for the things we really want. Like many things, it can be built over time and it's worth cultivating because it allows us to have a better quality of life. Today we want to look at how we can build this and why it matters.

Have Realistic Expectations

Expectations are something we need to keep in check since they can determine how effective we are. A good example of this is setting aside enough time for studying. When we're trying to study in a rush we often forgo key topics that can be instrumental to our success with either a test or assignment. Time management is an important part of building patience since there are activities that simply require more time and focus than others. Planning out whether we'll need to take a break during some activities is another thing to consider. Patience is finite and we want to use it in a manner that best contributes to our productivity and well-being. We can't always be expected to do a task without our feelings being a factor in how we perform. Some days we might have more patience and it's worth trying to accomplish more during those times.

“Expectations are something we need to keep in check since they can determine how effective we are.”

Focus On The Present

The thing with building patience is that it's more effective when we're focused on the present. The reason for this is that we can feel more empowered when we're aware of the things currently within our control. We don't always know what to expect in the future but we can mitigate randomness to a degree through our actions. With that said, life does hand us situations we might not always be ready for. Being patient and present when these arise can make handling them much easier as a result. Rather than wanting something to be over with immediately, it's worth seeing what we can learn from things as we're working on them. Gratitude helps immensely with this since it keeps us mindful of what we have at the moment.

“The thing with building patience is that it's more effective when we're focused on the present.”

Practice Delayed Gratification

Delayed gratification goes hand in hand with patience since they work off of one another. The reason for this is that sometimes in life we have to wait for things. Whether this is a game we want, a movie we want to see, or even just taking a vacation. Many things require us to save up money or time for them which is all the more reason why it's worth finding a sense of comfort with patience. A small way to help with this is by putting money away for savings. This is a crucial life skill for higher education for example since students will need to learn how to budget. Another way to help with this form of delayed gratification is by finishing all of your responsibilities first in a day and then leaving the rest of it for fun and leisure. This approach ensures that we're able to accomplish all of our goals while still being mindful of our future well-being.




The Power Of Silence


Rethinking Delayed Gratification