Taking Responsibility For Our Happiness

On any given day we'll experience a wide range of emotions from the things we've experienced. Each of these serves a different purpose for us and can clue us into our thoughts as well. When we're mindful of our emotions we can make choices that better serve us in the long run along with building better habits. The best way to do this is by taking responsibility for our emotions since it's a major sign of maturity. Today we want to take a look at why this is so important.

Reclaiming Personal Freedom

By far one of the hardest things is feeling that our emotions are purely reactionary. While yes this is the case for many things it can also make us feel that we don't have any control of our circumstances. The key thing here is re-framing how we view our emotions. We do have a choice with how we react to things around us and we don't always have to be at the mercy of our emotions. The important thing is being able to take control of how we feel and reclaim our own personal freedom for our feelings. This can make us feel like we do have a sense of agency in our lives and give us the courage needed to make choices that contribute to emotional stability.

“The key thing here is re-framing how we view our emotions.”

It's Empowering

Taking responsibility for our emotions can be extremely empowering. This is largely because it makes us feel more in charge of our own actions. Recognizing what's in your locus of control falls under this since it's not worth stressing about things we can't control. There are some things in life we can't change but what we can change is our mentality and how we respond. Choosing to be calm rather than upset or choosing non-reactivity can make it much easier to process these feelings. This is because we give ourselves the time to think before we react which can be crucial. The ability to delay certain feelings can make it much easier to reflect and ask ourselves whether this is something that's worth the mental effort to give away our energy towards.

“Taking responsibility for our emotions can be extremely empowering.”

Our Emotions Can Give Us Perspective

Perspective is something that each of our emotions can give us. They tell us when we feel that something is unfair. They let us know when we're doing something good. They let us know when we need to amend our mistakes. Each emotion works as a lens for how we view the world and they're unique to us how we experience them. When we take responsibility for our emotions we're telling ourselves that regardless of what happens it's okay and we accept the results. Learning how to be okay with who we are is part of building emotional stability. Expecting to feel good 100% of the time isn't realistic and that is completely okay. Emotional responsibility means accepting our actions and learning how to manage our feelings in a healthy and constructive manner.




Not Letting Things Get To Us


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