How Creative Thinking Ties Into Happiness

Creativity is the cornerstone of personal growth and this can be seen in a multitude of different ways. Our emotions, more specifically happiness is deeply related to creativity. Today we want to talk about how these are linked and why it's so important.


How we think is often the deciding factor for our success and this holds true with creativity as well. A good thing to consider is two different types of mindsets. One of them is known as a static mindset. This is one that is fixed in nature and revolves around the current perspective that someone has. There is another perspective known as the growth perspective. This one is different and focuses on the idea that our thoughts are malleable and can change depending on the information presented. It goes without saying that a fixed mindset can be extremely limiting for a multitude of reasons with the biggest being that it prevents us from learning. Creativity thrives on new information and being able to make the best possible outcome with what we are able to work with. Having a sense of flexibility is good since it can open up our minds to new possibilities that can in turn make us happy.

“How we think is often the deciding factor for our success and this holds true with creativity as well.”


Expression is another core element where creative thinking plays a role in our happiness. It's good to think about how comfortable we truly feel when we consider how we express ourselves. In some cases it can be hard to do this out of fear of feeling judged by others. Thankfully though there are ways to help with this. Creative thinking can be incredibly liberating since it can help us unlock the tools needed to focus on authentic expression. One of the best examples of this is freewriting where we essentially have an environment to be ourselves without having to worry about others' input. Art in general is something that is representative of our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences, and being able to convey these in a healthy manner is important.

“Expression is another core element where creative thinking plays a role in our happiness.”


Purpose is the last element to consider with creative thinking. Many of us have a sort of goal or series of goals we want to accomplish within our lifetime and being able to figure out what that is and how to get there is important. For creatives, our goals are different. It can be something along the lines of feeling comfortable expressing your work to the world, or even finding joy in what you do. It can be the simple task of slowly honing your craft so you can be confident with what you put out there or even help others' strive towards their creative endeavors. It's good to remember that thought is the driving force behind action and having a good mentality is essential with finding your creative purpose. Being creative is a journey of self-discovery and acceptance since we need to truly know who we are and what we stand for in order to express ourselves in an authentic manner.




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