Being Calm During Tough Times

Sometimes we may get into moments where we may feel uncomfortable. This can happen either with others or with ourselves. Understanding these situations is important as it can help us grow when we handle things correctly. Today we want to talk about the importance of being calm during tough times.


Use “I Statements”

Arguments can happen at any point in either a friendship or relationship. They can be difficult as they can involve a difference of opinion or even core values. While these arguments can hurt, being honest can impact how our relationship ends up. One way to help with this is to focus on being calm. This can involve being calm in the heat of the moment. Instead of letting our emotions flare up, we can try to take a step back and assess the situation. If we feel that we don't see eye to eye on something rather than being defensive we can try to express our feelings by using “I statements.” These type of statements allow you to showcase how you feel in a manner that doesn't feel like an attack on someone's character. While everyone may react differently, this is one good method to be true to yourself while still being mindful of someone else's feelings.

“If we feel that we don't see eye to eye on something rather than being defensive we can try to express our feelings by using “I statements.””


Practice Non-Judgment

One area that may be difficult to handle is the idea of judgment. When we feel that we are in a social circle that is judgmental we may not feel that we can properly express ourselves. Taking a step away from these groups is needed if it gets to the point where it affects our well-being. Avoiding judgment on our side is crucial as we wouldn't want to put someone in that position. Some ways to do this are by avoiding statements that specifically critique someone’s integrity. This usually doesn't help in the long run as they aren't constructive and only serve to distance people. Focusing on how we feel in response to an action may help us in a different manner. Sometimes we may enjoy being in the presence of someone but there may be a dissonance between their actions and their words. This can happen to anybody and that is okay. Making mistakes is part of the learning process and learning to not judge people so harshly is a good way to stay calm. After all, we would want someone to give us a second chance.

“Avoiding judgment on our side is crucial as we wouldn't want to put someone in that position.”


Give Yourself Space

We can't always make amends in the moment during a tough time and that is natural. Sometimes our flight or fight response kicks in which may cause us to want to retreat. Both options are valid and have their own time and place. If we feel that we aren't in the right headspace then giving ourselves time to heal or recover can be a good thing. We may be tired or preoccupied with other areas in our lives regarding responsibilities and that is okay. Finding time to handle tough situations is important as we don't want to avoid them our entire lives. Learning to know when you are ready and able to face these tough times is just as important so give yourself the space when you can. Being honest with yourself is needed to focus on staying calm and it may require some extra work but the payoff is worth all the effort.




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