How Does Happiness Play a Role in Your Life

There are many different emotions that we experience throughout the course of our lives. One of the most prominent ones is happiness. This is defined as a state of joy or bliss that we experience. This can be unique for each of us since there are many different things that can cause it along with our actions as well. Today we want to do a deep dive and examine how happiness plays a role in our lives.

Our Routine

Having a routine gives us a sense of consistency. This is good because it can help us make sense of the world and give us something to fall back on in times of uncertainty. One example of this is dedicating time to your creative endeavors after a long day of school. This allows us to focus on expressing ourselves in a manner that is fun. We can also set aside some time to take care of ourselves by adding exercise to our routine. Physical activity helps get us moving along with ensuring that we're taking care of our bodies. These are just a few examples of how routine can help motivate us to do things that are good for us. Happiness can be the result of having stability within your life and our routine is a great example of that.

“Having a routine gives us a sense of consistency.”

Our Goals

When it comes to our goals, there are many different factors that can motivate us to work toward them. Our careers can be a combination of what we think we'll enjoy vs what provides us with enough financial security. For many, security can be a source of happiness. Doing things because you're passionate about them is another reason why many of us pursue our goals. The simple act of enjoyment and loving the process is enough to get someone from point A to point B. Even for activities that we may not be initially thrilled about, we can find ways to enjoy things. If we find ourselves not being drawn to studying, we can make an active effort to make it more enjoyable by adding music or having an environment that is joyful.

“When it comes to our goals, there are many different factors that can motivate us to work toward them.”

Why it Matters

Recognizing that everyone is different is important. What makes one person happy may not necessarily work for someone else. This is crucial because it teaches us how to be more self-aware of what we truly want. Meditation can help us get to the root of things since it lets us analyze our thoughts in a quiet manner. When we feel like something is making us unhappy, it's good to ask ourselves why that is. Sometimes it can be a result of other areas of our lives needing more time to dedicate to them. Sometimes it can be the people we're around that contribute to our feelings. Understanding what it is that fuels you with enjoyment can help us discover what our passions are so we can work towards them. Striving towards happiness through your thoughts and actions is the key to a more enjoyable life.




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