Making Space For New Things

There are a lot of things to experience in our lives. Some of them can help us grow as an individual along with fostering new friendships. Other things may cause us to get too comfortable. Learning how to make space for new things in our lives ensures that we're being proactive with what we're doing. Today we want to talk about why this matters and how we can strive towards it.

Know How You Spend Your Time

A great first step when it comes to making space for new things is knowing how you spend your time. There are many instances where we may find ourselves doing an activity only to realize that several hours have passed. While this feeling can be good sometimes, better managing our time can give us more control over the situation. One example of this is browsing social media. Rather than spending an excessive amount of time doing this, we can opt to set a timer that limits how long we do an activity. We can also write down a time journal and see what we're doing at each time of the day. Chances are that there are things we don't need to do that we can work on. Self-awareness and a desire to be mindful can help us make time for the things that truly matter.

“A great first step when it comes to making space for new things is knowing how you spend your time.”

See if There are Things You Can Change

Once we have a good semblance of knowing how exactly we spend our time, we can then focus on taking active steps to change things. One way this applies is that we can examine our current social circle. If we find that it disempowers us often, we can use this as an opportunity to slowly network and meet more positive people. This isn't to say that we need to instantly distance ourselves, rather it can be an opportunity to see who else is out there that we get along with. We can also apply this to our hobbies as well. Sometimes we may hit a bump in the road with how much we're able to accomplish with something until we get burned out. Recognizing this is important because every now and then we need a break from things to refresh ourselves. Understanding that an active effort can help you is an incredibly powerful realization that can promote change.

“Once we have a good semblance of knowing how exactly we spend our time, we can then focus on taking active steps to change things.”

Practice Patience

The last thing we need to keep in mind when it comes to making space for new things is to practice patience. We can't rush new activities or mindsets since it takes time to work on these things. We need to build a foundation for a new hobby and establish trust in relationships before diving into the more complicated aspects of them. Patience can help us with this since it gives us the means to slow down and reflect on what truly matters. New things can give us unique perspectives which is essential when it comes to personal development. Making space allows us to focus on more positive elements that can enrich the lives of both ourselves and those around us.




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