Accepting Uncertainty

It's good to recognize which barriers are self-imposed versus which ones are external. Something that we might find challenging that falls under this is uncertainty and all the things that go along with it. Today we want to focus on how we can accept uncertainty in our lives so we can better work through it.

Allowing Yourself To Feel This Way

Two of the most challenging times for students are high school and college. Each of these comes with its hurdles to overcome. High school students are balancing understanding who they are along with their place in the world in addition to a schedule that is already set for them. In college students have more freedom and flexibility which requires more self-discipline to make the most out of the experience. Both of these situations have a good amount of uncertainty within them but for different reasons. Something good to remember is that it’s okay to feel this way since the experience is new. Being patient with our emotions can help us make the space necessary to focus on positive change.

“In college students have more freedom and flexibility which requires more self-discipline to make the most out of the experience.”

Focus On Your Locus

There are a lot of things that we simply don't have control over and that's okay. It's not worth our time or energy spending on things that stress us out. Yes, we do need to plan around certain events to better adapt but it can't come at the cost of our well-being. One way to help mitigate uncertainty is learning to focus on things within your control. Examples of this include making adjustments to your study or sleep routine. Empowerment plays a large role in this since we want to feel that we have agency within our lives. The mind can help us if we allow it to do so. Being aware of your emotions and taking action accordingly to handle them is another way we can work towards positivity through our actions.

“One way to help mitigate uncertainty is learning to focus on things within your control.”

Let Go Of The Need For Certainty

It's good to ask ourselves why we might resist uncertainty. It could be because of past experiences which are valid. It could be because we're nervous about the unknown and all the things it can bring. A good mindset shift is to consider that at some point, everything was new to us including the people in our lives. Uncertainty can be found in every area but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Similar to change it's something we need to embrace because it can provide new opportunities for us that can satisfy us. While things such as a college education and a future career might seem vague to think about now, it's worth visualizing all the good things that can come from them. It takes courage to accept things that are beyond our control. It's necessary if we want to make the most out of our time since it allows us to enjoy the here and now.




Analytic Learning


Overcoming Adversity